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Re: Jets Vs Vtol

From: Ryan M Gill <monty@a...>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 23:58:51 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Jets Vs Vtol

On Sun, 3 Oct 1999, Don Greenfield wrote:

> Umm, oops. I read F-117 instead of F-111. My mistake. Although, I
> recall reading anything abut the Aarvarks in Desert Storm. Anyone

I seem to recall Varks being used in the tank plinking role
as well. They could carry a bunch of lgbs and had an internal (its in
bomb bay and rotates out for use) Pave Tack laser designator. They can 
carry no less than 24 Mk 82 500 lb bombs. 

During the gulf war they flew more than 4,000 sorties with one aircraft 
slightly damaged. I believe they were mainly used on NBC and command 

- Ryan Montieth Gill		DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC -
-	    I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
- -
- '85 Honda CB700S  -  '72 Honda CB750K  - '76 Chevy MonteCarlo  -

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