Re: SG2 Resin kits not avail in US
From: Jon Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 06:55:21 -0400
Subject: Re: SG2 Resin kits not avail in US
Chip Dunning wrote:
> >
> > GREAT! I'll just wait for awhile...I should anyway.
> >
> > It seems I always buy the stuff a LOT faster than I can paint/model
> >
> > I don't suppose anyone else has that problem
> > too :-))...LOL!
> Tell me about it. I have about $1500 in Chronopia miniatures waiting
in line
> (2 Elven armies, 1 Devout, 2 Blackblood, 1 Firstborn, and 1 Scythian),
> Clan War Phoenix Army, 75+ Silent Death minis, 50+ SFB minis, about 38
> ship blisters, 25 SG2 blisters, 120 Heavy Gear minis (RAFM). To top it
off I
> just put in an order for 15 Geo-Hex/SG2 Resin vehicles (through The
> and picked up another 10 SG2 blisters to complete my needs.
> I need serious help.
> Chip
This sounds like a serious case of lead overdose. I recommend immediate
treatment by placing your figures in a safe escrow service that can
redistribute them back to you once you've completed the painting on a
of figures. Of course, I'll be more than happy to help you! :-)
I have my own embarrassing story to tell. My wife was cleaning the
closet and came across a priority mail package containing 11 blisters of
ships. I had completely forgot that I had ordered them. The postal
date was
July of 1997. Now I have 14 NAC Battleships instead of only 12.