FT Stealth
From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 18:58:03 -0400
Subject: FT Stealth
>>One more question on this: will FB2 cover revised Stealth/Sensor/ECM,
>>so, do you have it sufficiently thought-out that the list can see it?
>No, and no. This will have to wait for FT3.
>Jon (GZG)
Okay, we're going to design The Stealth/Sensors/ECM System. The
is to develop something which is simple & easy to use, while giving a
of stumbling around wondering where your targets might be. Definitions
Stealth: is to keep you from being seen in the first place. Powering
your ship helps a lot; having systems powered but not in use (such as
drives, screens, fire controls) helps a little. Making an active sensor
scan ruins your stealthiness. Bigger ships are less stealthy than
Sensors: Gathers information, ranging from:
a) none--"there's nothing out there"
b) bogey--"we can't pin it down, but there's something there"
c) range, vector, firing solution
d) ship class ID
e) current status/damage estimates
Sensors come in three classes (BES) and two modes (Passive/Active)
ranges P/A are 36"/54".
ECM: can't keep the enemy from knowing you're there, but it may keep him
from knowing what you are. It may spoof missiles.
Next round (after caffeine) will toss out some proposals.