RE: [FT] "Old" FB Railguns
From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 11:49:49 -0600
Subject: RE: [FT] "Old" FB Railguns
> >> For each hit, roll another die for damage. Add the class of
> the Railgun to
> >> the roll. Subtract the target's Armour Level (Kra'Vak type, not
> >> human). Any roll lower than 1 is treated as a 1.
> >> Roll 1-4, damage = RG class
> >> Roll 5-6, damage = 2 x RG class
> >>
> >> That's it.
> >
> >I worked out all the numbers like I did before and they seemed just a
> >off. So then I thought about modifying the damage roll to:
> >1-5, damage = RG class
> >6, damge = 2xRG class
> >This makes RG2's at an unarmored target do 2 pts on a 1-3 and 4
> pts on 4-6.
> >It also allows a RG4 to do 4 pts on a 1 and 8 pts on roll of 2-6.
> O.k., just to see if I understand:
> Damage dice is roll a die and add the RG class, subtract the armor
> level, and compare to the chart, correct? After the + and -'s, if the
> roll is <=5 it does Class damage, if >=6 it does Classx2 damage.
Yup, that is how I understand it (using my variation to Schoons original
mechanic). It also gives the RG a bit of the reroll feel that on a
damage roll of 6, damage is doubled, but in the end the weapon is
with the non-reroll Pulse Torpedo.