Re: [OT?] Indigenous insurgencies
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 21:54:51 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [OT?] Indigenous insurgencies
You wrote:
>Oh boy, here we go again. We're back to the topic of insurgencies.
John, >you've never answered my question as to what kind of foreign
support >Kerensky and Sun Yat-sen got...
*Ding, Ding* Cluebus arriving. . .
My dear boy, there is a great difference between a coup, revolution,
civil war, and guerilla war. The latter his protracted low-intensity
conflict. A coup takes a few days or a few weeks, and is marked by
minimal fighting A Civil War is not a guerilla war either, in which
elements of the Regular Army and militia troops take the field in
conventional conflict. There are also hybrid wars like the US
Revolution wherein the US had guerilla elements (for instance, Colonel
Marion and Ethan Allen's Green Mountain Boys) and a conventional army
in the field. But a straight guerilla war? Never been done without
outside support, safe havens, and a lot of luck. And NEVER won without
transitioning into a conventional warfare phase. And that's
by-the-book Mao right there--three phases. First is lowgrade
terrorism, second is more intense guerilla war, and third is
conventional conflict.
John M. Atkinson