Re: Anti-armor mines!
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 08:03:30 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Anti-armor mines!
You wrote:
>I have done some work on Land Mines for MUN and there not that big,
afterall >they just have to blow a hole in the week under side of a
Actually, most AT mines are track-width only, and just break track and
maybe blow off a road wheel.
>1) disarmorment, this won't affect short games, but in long games and
>campagins it will be imported, no civi wants land mines laying around.
Any civilized country marks minefields, maps the fields, and takes
their mines home with them when they win the war. The real issue is
the looser's mines, and since they lost, they don't care.
>2) Comination mines, most new AT mines have an AP charge to "protect"
the AT >mine, this would play a major part in de-mining.
Actually, the correct term is 'AHD', or Anti-Handling Device. There
are fuze wells for these nasty buggers on most AT mines, but they are
only installed in certain circumstances. Some of the more
sophisticated AT mine fuzes have inherent anti-lift capabilities. So
demining is not going to be an option unless you have really damn good
intelligence and a lot of time, and aren't under fire when trying to do
it. Most militaries train to blow enemy mines in place most of the
time. Your own you can disarm, but only with maps and the cotter pins,
which should be buried at a landmark noted on the maps.
John M. Atkinson