RE: GZG List Code proposal.
From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 14:45:24 +0100
Subject: RE: GZG List Code proposal.
>Query: maybe I ask this through naitivity about various mail
>programs, but
>don't most, if not all, mail utilities at least tell you from
>whom the mail
>message(s) is/are from? In our case here, from the FTGZG
>listserver. Doesn't
>this make the 'GZG' entry in the subject header redundant?
In my case (MS Outlook) the list-server address is in the
To: field the message was From: "Lifes not a journey..."
Mail programs do vary a great deal but most give you the
basic From: - To: RFC822 information AFAIK.
But I agree with your point, GZG is redundant really
and I can't remember all the proposed tag
Mnemonics easily or simply - so I'll forget
to use them and they are different to the
existing conventions, probably so they follow
the same TLA rule.
If we want strict topics then maybe we should move to
a BBS.
tim jones