Re: FT Munchkins (Re: Mars #2 FT article)
From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson@q...>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 16:30:37 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: FT Munchkins (Re: Mars #2 FT article)
> And that leads to another pet Peeve of mine. I can only thing
of a few
>"to the last man" engagements, yet in Full Thrust, I've run into
>who think nothing of fighting to the end, even expending damaged
>battleships to hurt you a little more... IMHO, strategic considerations
>make that harder to do. Unfortunately, most strategic systems also
>a nasty tendancy to bog down in bookkeeping.
We use the "Strike the Colours" rule from More Thrust with the Fleet
but instead of rolling like a normal Threshold roll, we roll it like a
System so you don't lose the ship after the first threshold roll (which
be eternally annoying), but you can lose it after the second and third
ones. That way, we eliminate the old "To the Last Man" problem (to a
degree). I've had little Corvettes and Frigates fight until the bitter
while BB's and BDNs have surrendered after taking their first Core
Thresholds (actually, that seems to be the only way it goes in my
Makes things much more interesting.
"And how do you suppose we stop them?
Get a big red sign with the word
STOP written on it?"