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Assault on Ventron (was Re: GenCon Review ...)

From: Tom Pope <tpope@c...>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 12:45:31 -0400
Subject: Assault on Ventron (was Re: GenCon Review ...) wrote:
> .. also would like to hear more about the linked SG2 game..i've ran a
> couple of linked scenario's (WWII) and would like to compare notes.

Well, I should admit here that the scenarios were not linked together
exactly.  When I first designed the Assault on Ventron games, I though
it would be cool to have some kind of persistant battlefield, as well as
a persistant "ebb and flow" of battle.

The problem is, it was hard enough to balance the game without taking
into account factors such as how well the previous game went.  So
instead I just made it three seperate battles with the same terrain, and
similar forces and objectives.

The first was a recon in force, the second an infantry assault and the
third a full scale assault (Infantry, MICV's and even a heavy tank). 
More than anything else, it was designed to introduce some of the
optional rules (mines, snipers, vehicles, artillery) to players.  In
that way it worked pretty well, and I think everybody had fun.

If anybody is interested, I can write up the three scenarios.  I'd like
to run them or something similar next GenCon, so feedback from players
and others would be very helpful.


Thomas Pope
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

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