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RE: Movement types

From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 09:01:02 +0100
Subject: RE: Movement types

> measure (to determine velocity and course), sometimes the
> arrow doesn't point to an exact clockface direction. Should you
'round' it
> to the nearest clockface, or leave it be?

This and Beths post lead me to a conclusion that some people are using
movement differently to the way I do. The way I do it is that the ships
a clock face (1-12) but the directional vector _heading_ is not.

It seems other people are rounding the directional vector heading to a
face, which IMO sort of defeats the point of a vector movement system.

As in anything there is no wrong or right answer (whatever works for
you) but
IIRC the original real thrust rule design intention was _not_ to round
directional vector heading to a clock face?

Tim Jones

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