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RE: Star Wars Figures

From: "Geo-Hex" <geohex@t...>
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 10:14:53 +0000
Subject: RE: Star Wars Figures

> From: 	 "John Jeffery Shoemark" <>
> Reply-to:
> To:		 <>
> Subject:	 RE: Star Wars Figures
> Date: 	 Wed, 8 Jul 1998 20:59:13 +1000

> > "I have a bad feeling about this...."
> >
> >
> The 25mm Star Wars figures have actually been cancelled for several
> now. They were planning to redo them in a 30mm type size. Apparently
> was because the true 25mm size was considered to be "old fashioned". I
> they stopped distribution of these figures outside the US about a year
> because they had lost the foreign rights for them.
> I am unaware of WEGs demise but I know product has slowed down a lot
in the
> last four months. (Until three weeks ago I was President of their
> distributor in Australia) So, if you want to use Star Wars figures for
> Stargrunt grab them quickly, particularly the Stormtroopers. They have
> always been the hardest to get a reliable supply of.
> John S

I had the opportunity to view the new figures.	Marko of Global Games 
had the nod from WEG to do the redesign, and they are beautiful!  The 
shame of it all is that they may not see store shelves anytime soon, 
if ever.  Hopefully, someone will pick up the license and perhaps 
Marko can make some kind of deal to release the figures.

KR, Geo-Hex

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