Re: Mines 8 (!)
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 20:55:33 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Mines 8 (!)
You wrote:
>Not that I'm an engineer expert or anything but there is a particular
breed >of engineer called EOD, that receives training in dealing with
that sort of >stuff. Sure regular engineers are trained to recover the
mines that they >laid, but at least in peacetime anything trickier is
left to EOD. Though >they might learn a bit more in the engineer
advanced NCO course. (there is >an advanced engineer course that I read
about where you learn more high >speed stuff, but maybe there's a 12B
on the list taht can shed some light on >it. Of course in wartime you
get everyone and their mother tinkering with >stuff if need be,
sometimes unsuccessfully. :(
*Checks most recent orders*
Yeah, I qualify. 12B10. Only high-speed neato course I know of is
Sapper Leader Course, which don' teach EOD. And the EOD wierdos are
Ordnance Corps, not COE, IIRC.
John M. Atkinson