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RE: Valiant Miniatures?

From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 08:33:59 -0800
Subject: RE: Valiant Miniatures?

Welcome to the club ! Come, sit over here by all of us old timers, and
spin yarns by the cracker barrel. Well sonny-jim, 'twas in the summer
back in oh, '79 or so... That man Carter waz in the Whitehouse, and a
wee lad strolled up to a counter in a small game store. 
"What can I get for this much" he sez to the balding, paunchy man behind
the counter, pushing a crumpled dollar bill and some pennies across the
"Lessee here, we have Superior starship miniatures, Valiant,

So many choices, so few crumply bucks. Sigh.

Last I heard we were still waiting for info on the return of Valiant

In the meantime, you have seen the (new) old Superior stuff ? Cheerfully
and efficiently dispensed from even if
your heart is set on the old Valiant minis, you'll get your nostalgia
fix on this'un.


> ----------
> From: 	Winchell Chung[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: 	Tuesday, January 20, 1998 5:30 PM
> To:
> Subject:	Valiant Miniatures?
> Is there anywhere I can purchase some of the lead
> miniature starships made by Valiant?
> Or are they long "out of print"?
> Of all the lead miniatures, these are my personal
> favorites.  Alas, when they were popular, I was
> an empoverished teen-ager, and could not purchase
> as many as I wanted.
> They did look nice as photographs on the playing
> counters of the game "Alpha Omega".
> *--- WINCHELL CHUNG ----* + ogre o mk-V * /-I'm
> nobody------------------------\
> |Nyrath the nearly wise |  . +.  |  * . ' | Nobody at all. But the
> secrets of |
> |	  | .* \\_/|\_// +  | universe don't mind. They
> reveal  |
> | | ___/(o)|(o)\___ | themselves to nobodies
> that care. |
> *-----------------------* ####"""""""#### \--OUTER LIMITS: "Galaxy
> Being"-----/ 

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