Are they bio ?
From: Sprayform <>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 14:25:51 +0100
Subject: Are they bio ?
I know the S'V are very bio but had always felt that it was in an
way ie more bio than ants. From an old GZG catalogue the K'V soldier
more of a crustation than an ant (like the alien in predator)
So do we have 1) S'V as bio-monstrosaties
2) K'V as crustations but bipeds
3) Some thing else that will be insect based and has those
delicious pheramone rules for SGII !
Now I know why its BDS (plural) -crustation,insect,aracnid,cephlapod all
counting as '_b u g s_'
Jon (top cat)
Sprayforming Developments Ltd. [production tools]
made in
[prototype times]
'The future is now'