Re: Star Trek background (was... something else)
From: "<Mark Andrew Siefert>" <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 15:32:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Trek background (was... something else)
On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, David Brewer wrote:
> In message <> "John D. Hamill" writes:
> > The NAC explanation isn't silly, just needs to be better explained.
> > your universe IS a lot better than the "faschists with smiley faces"
> > Star Trek.
> Fascists? Surely you mean communists. They seem to have abolished
> all money, get from people according to their ability, give to
> them according to their needs etc.. The Federation seems to be an
> idealised version of what the Soviet Union used to pretend to be.
> (Have you ever read the old Soviet constitution?)
That's the main thing that always rubbed me the wrong way about
Trek. Obviously the writers of the show have a progressive ax to grind
making entrepenuers into backstabbing Ferengi. They turn the military
warmongering Kligons and Cardassians. Does anyone remember that awlful
DS9 episode were Worf and Dax went to Risa and were forced to save the
Federation from a bunch of Evil social conservatives. Meanwhile they
millions of dollars in flithy capitalist lucur. Aren't the Hollywood
a consistant bunch? ;-)
> Remind me... didn't McCarthy run all the commies out of Hollywood?
Nope. Thanks to his stupidity and complete disregard for the
constitution the people he tried to discredit were elevated to martyer
status and any reasonable form of anti-Marxism was given a bad name. If
the commies would have wanted a better weapon to vidicate their cause,
they shouldn't have looked further than old Tailgunner Joe.
Mark A. Siefert
"Chickens are a cruel people."
--Crow T. Robot
MST3K "Prince of Space"