Re: HAVOK - a kick in the a** for GW...?
From: Andy Skinner <askinner@a...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 09:03:54 -0400
Subject: Re: HAVOK - a kick in the a** for GW...?
Ground Zero Games wrote:
> >...So.... Jon, US realase through Geo-Hex, we should hope??
> >
> Ha - no, more likely through Toys'R'us :)
> Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns up in the US toy trade
- go
> and pester your local toy store for and and see.
Does anyone in the US know any more? I searched for "Havok" on
the web and found a lot of stuff, mostly dealing with Marvel Comics,
so I assume Havok is a comic book character. Didn't see a game.
I searched for Bluebird Toys and got 3 hits, mostly seem to be about
financial things.
I'll stop in at Toys R Us and take a look.
Any idea whether this is more likely to be in games (like the
Mutant Chronicles game was) or in toys (with the action figures)?
Does it use a board?