Re: FT: Missiles and Gas Tanks
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 08:02:57 -0400
Subject: Re: FT: Missiles and Gas Tanks
Donald Hosford writes:
@:) wrote:
@:) >
@:) > Let's remember that the missiles and ships are working in the
@:) > same medium and under the same conditions (ie., more like ship
@:) > vs. torpedo as opposed to ship vs. SSM).
@:) I agree! Missles and ships are in the same medium...therfore they
@:) are subject to the same laws of physics. Maybe missles should be
@:) thought of as very tiny ships...
Perhaps, but even if you compare ships to torpedoes there are
significant differences. Last I heard torpedoes tended to be rocket
powered (at least some of them) which allows them to move much more
quickly than ships but with a very poor range (on the order of a
hundred miles was the longest I remember hearing about). So although
ships and torpedoes operate in the same medium, they use different
propulsion methods and therefore operate differently.
Even if you ignore the possibility for different types of propulsion
(a near future FT might have only rocket power available, eg) there
are still matters of efficiency. Missiles, being small and expendable
and needing to travel only a short distance, might be able to use more
volatile fuels than a ship that needs to travel for extended periods
and reuse its engines throughout its lifespan.