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Re: Close Assault and Scenario (Stargrunt)

From: valen <valen10@f...>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 21:10:06 -0400
Subject: Re: Close Assault and Scenario (Stargrunt)

Alfredo Lorente wrote:

> P.S. ->  I sat down to work on the stats for the
BattleTech/Robotech/Exo-Squad toys, and I think the rules break down
rather quickly.  More
> coming up!

I was giving that some thought the otherday, converting a robotech style
varible fighter over to DSII rules,
It would function like a ground support aircraft in fighter mode
and like a vtol in gerwalk/guardian mode or a walker in battleoid mode
pretty useful peice of work if you ask me


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