RE: Close Assault and Scenario (Stargrunt)
From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 18:35:54 -0400
Subject: RE: Close Assault and Scenario (Stargrunt)
I agree with the thinking. In modern day armies there are enough
anti-armour weapons about without having to improvise. And lets face it
I would rather hit the tank/APC from a safish distance than run out into
the open and dodge around those moving tracks or blowing fans!
But it is still an option. And what about those who like to add in
Battletech/Walkers? The Grey Death Legion led the way in developing anti
mech tactics and satchel type charges played a big part in it.
Owen Glover
> ----------
> From: Ryan Montieth Gill[]
> Sent: Monday, 16 June 1997 7:39
> To:
> Subject: RE: Close Assault and Scenario (Stargrunt)
> Let me get this straight... You want to use satchel charges against
> tanks?
> Screw that, make up some rules for IAVRs in SG. Why would any infantry
> unit charge up next to a tank (that probably has infantry support)
> and
> try to stick a satchel charge up under the turret ring.
> There are many safer (somewhat) methods of taking out a tank. Top
> attack
> LAWs, GMS/Ls, mines, Air Support...
> The main use for satchel charges is for blowing up a big bunker or
> building.
> - Ryan Montieth Gill /|\ Scotland Forever DoD# 0780/AMA/SOHC -
> - or labrg@emory.edu_ '85 CB700S 'Mehev' -
> - I speak not for CNN, nor they for me. '72 CB750K 'The Barge' -
> - '76 MonteCarlo 'Bumblecrow' -
> --- Senator Koella Should go to JAIL !! ---
> --- Kill someone and leave the accident you should go to jail! ---