Conversions (Stargrunt)
From: "Alfredo Lorente" <alfredo@b...>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 05:41:51 -0400
Subject: Conversions (Stargrunt)
Hello again!
As I was saying earlier, I started working on converting the Huge
Robots (tm) into Stargrunt Vehicles and immediately found a problem.
Here's the situation:
The Excalibur has two huge cannons for arms, two sets of 22 or 24
missiles each on its torso, a weapon pod underneath each missile rack
(SAW, Grenade Launcher and flamer), and a six missile rack on its
right shoulder. I figured the robot would therefore have two GMS/L
(4), one GMS/H (4), six Infantry Support Weapons (5 points, since the
first one is free), and two DFFG (15 each, since they can move around
as is in a turret). That adds up to 43 points, which is 18 points
over the maximum. If I assume the DFFG are fixed mounts and it is
the ARMS that move, the rating goes down to 33. To make the numbers
match I have to reduce the DFFG's to 3 and assume they are in a fixed
mount. Some people might think the torso is a turret, tho', and I
kinda guess you'd plop the biggest gun available on such a monster,
not some middle of the road affair...
Am I obsessing? If I showed up at your place with my set-up, would
you accept it as valid, even though the math is totally screwed up?
Any home rules on how to deal with Combat Walkers?
(To keep the message short, the same problems arise with the Raidar X
- two Laser Cannons on each arm, plus two missile packs on the
shoulders - the math doesn't match the model...)
Alfredo Lorente
Minneapolis, MN