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Re: Location, Location, Location...

From: What was the best thing before sliced bread? <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 09:43:34 -0400
Subject: Re: Location, Location, Location...

>Um, folks, this could get very dull very quickly, especially to those
>pay for email. Might it not be better for someone to volunteer / be
>nominated, then everyone send them a mailmessage with a location and
>compile a list and post it. But NOT to the list itself please, it's an
>inefficent way of doing it.

Uhhh, Jon, I already started and made the announcement last night
that I had a webpage going for just this purpose. Did'ja miss it?  ;-)

Just for a reminder for any who missed:

You can send me submissions if you'd like at   but
this morning I won't be back in town 'til laaaate sunday (and will
things accordingly).

(by 'this morning' I mean late morning Eastern Daylight Time, US)

During the run-and-fight-and-run-again battle through this forest of
she is finally cornered. Her weapons have been left deep in the bodies
of the
slain or broken against the granite-hard scales of these snakes that are
snakes. Her stand to the death must be fought here. Though her only
are her hands and her deep and wide knowledge of the slayers, she does
fear them. They will die. Of this she is sure.

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