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Re: B5 and Sir Isaac

From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 11:27:19 -0500
Subject: Re: B5 and Sir Isaac

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes. writes:

@:) >Star Trek is *more* fantastic?... than a titanic battle between
@:) >good and evil?... in which our protagonists are destined to play
@:) >major roles, lead great alliances in war, defeat evil, rule
@:) >decaying empires, fulfill prophesies, die heroically in garish
@:) >CGI?
@:) Well...Star Trek has met God...and they keep coming up with this
@:) damned reset button that I simply cannot find *any*where in real
@:) life! (a few people I'd like to use it on, too ;)

  It is true that B5 suffers from an overabundance of heroes.  Pretty
much everybody is a hero.  Or at least a major player.	Witness the
most recent episode (that I've seen) - um, Atonement?  Somethin like
that, anyway the one with Delenn and all that business.  I won't spoil
it but of course she had to be involved in each and every important
event that has ever happened in Minbari history.  I guess this is
because the story, while pretty nicely fleshed out, is still quite
bare when compared to real life.  And it's also compressed into a
short span of time.  These people have to do a lifetime of heroic work
in just five (maybe four) short seasons.  That's tough.  It means you,
and your writers, have to reach a little.

  Star Trek always offered the tantalizing possibility that every
starship in the fleet experienced events as strange and wonderous as
those that occurred on board the Enterprise.  Unfortunately, they
never really went out of their way to show that this was true.	When
other ships appeared it was usually for just long enough to get killed
by whatever plot device the Enterprise crew was about to succesfully
fend off.  I always thought this was pretty egotistical.  They could
at least have had the occaisional message from an admiral announcing
that another ship had succesfully engaged the planet-sized hard boiled
egg or the giant pink panther shaped cloud of "space asbestos".  But
it never happened.



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