Re: FT III alternative rules
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 11:03:39 -0500
Subject: Re: FT III alternative rules
Mike Miserendino writes:
@:) I prefer the realism of long range combat myself.
Not this topic again!!
@:) ROF seems appropriate for individual weapon systems, but batteries
@:) may make up several weapons of the same clustered together. With
@:) this in mind, a battery might be designed such that when some
@:) components are recharging, others may fire, leaving no gaps in
@:) fire support.
That makes a lot of sense - and immediately leads me to suggest that
the player should be able to decide (either at construction time or
during combat) whether to fire a weapon at full strength infrequently
or at partial strength constantly. For example, one might choose to
either fire an A battery as a C battery on any given turn, or one
might choose not to fire for two turns and on the third fire the
weapon as an A battery.
This would again require some bookkeeping but it wouldn't be too
bad, especially if you were using some kind of erasable SSDs, either
grease pencils or transparency markers.