Variant PDAF/ADAF Rules
From: guay@p... (Tim Guay)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 11:52:55 -0500
Subject: Variant PDAF/ADAF Rules
Proposed New Rule for handing PDAF/ADAF
In order to address a few oddities with the current PDAF/ADAF rules I'd
like to propose the following changes.
PDAF can fire against any target within 6 measuring units of the ship.
PDAF's are considered pulse lasers or guass autocannons
ADAF can fire against any target within 12 measuring units of the ship.
ADAF are considered short-ranged antifighter/antimissile missiles
Both can engage ships within their range and roll one die.
Target unshielded - 5,6 hits for 1 damage point
Target level 1 shield/armour - 6 hits for 1 damage point
This gives them some minimal antiship capability against lighter ships,
as the battle pod swarms discussed a few months ago.