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Re: Storing FT minis

From: "W. Nitsche" <bnitsche@u...>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 19:38:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Storing FT minis

On Tue, 1 Oct 1996, John Crimmins wrote:

>	  What do you people out there use to store/transport your Full
> miniatures?  I've been using the Chessex Figure storage cases, but
> can't hold that many ships (Great for my Dirtside stuff, though.) 
> makes things worse is that the larger NSL ships have all these bits
> projecting out that are doomed to be snapped off at the slightest
> provocation.	Any ideas that don't require any sort of construction?

Right now I have mine in a box surrounded in foam.  Basically, I use
strips of 2" foam and sandwich the stem of the bases between two pieces.
The foam is just the right size so that the ships rest on the top of the
foam.  It travels well, though it's a pain getting figs in and out since
you have to remove all strips and figs to the left or right of the line
the fig you want is in.  In the future, I intend to switch to a magnetic
system, with the ships having steel bases, with some foam support for
capital class ships.

Another possibility is using 2-gun pistol cases.  They come lined with
thick eggshell foam.  You'll probably need to cut into the foam for each
piece, but it gives great support and you can hold alot of metal in
You can effectively get two layers of figs in if you add a piece of 1/2"
foam on the top layer.	These cases are VERY sturdy and have clasps that
hold well and take alot of abuse.

Of course, I've probably explained all that wrong and confused everyone
get in touch with me and I'll try to re-explain it.

A temporally displaced		Bill Nitsche (
	hobbit			Oceanography, University of Washington

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