Re: [GZG] [LST] Mail list vs. Forums
From: Peter Thoenen <eol1@y...>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 15:59:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] [LST] Mail list vs. Forums
> Can be e-mail or read on web pages.
> Automatic Archiving.
> Excellent searching, especially with Google.
> Easier for a new player to find.
> Disadvantages, we would all need to switch.
I am pretty sure running the list itself is not the issue. Listserv
software is as old as can be and spam is a non issue. The FreeBSD
general list gets nearly 600 messages a day and not a single SPAM slips
through. Somebody is not moderating all these, it has to do with decent
spam software on your list like clamav or spamassassin.
As for yahoo or google, I am highly against that also. I get spammed
more on my google and yahoo mailing lists than I do on my non ones.
Also to join I believe you have to be a member which I def am not.
Also the LARGER issue is yahoo (and google assuming) can and will
shutdown your list with no notice and for no reason and has happened on
three high volume lists I belong to.
I would agree this list is a PITA joining but I think that has more to
do with site design (lets face it, GZG could use a makeover) than
anything else. There is a big join our mailing / discussion list nor
is it really broken down between SG, FT, etc etc .. basically just
developer (beta) and everybody else.
Gzg-l mailing list