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Re: RE: Limits on armour? and Full Steam

From: John K Lerchey <lerchey@a...>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 15:51:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: RE: Limits on armour? and Full Steam

I have to agree with Indy.  Armor and stronger hulls are why those ships

are hard to kill, and that's the point.  Such ships should either carry 
fewer weapons overall, or be really expensive.	The last three games of
I've played I ran NSL ships (and only by choice in one of them!).  I
even at best in all three.  Of course, scenario design factored in, but 
the lack of thrust and manueverability of the NSL ships is a huge offset

to having heavy armor.	Yeah, the NSL ships die slower, but they don't
to do much to choose when/where/how to engage. :)

If armor is to get a revamp, I'd think more about a complete overhaul
limiting the max based on hull row length.


John K. Lerchey
Assistant Director for Incident Response
Information Security Office
Carnegie Mellon University

On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Indy wrote:

> On 7/6/06, McCarthy, Tom (xwave) <> wrote:
>> > What
>> > bugs me more is going up against a Komorov or something similar,
>> you
>> > feel there's no point in shooting at it because it'll take five
>> just
>> > to get to the first threshold, and until then he's utterly safe
>> > losing any systems.
>> In some ways, that what it feels like to me against the Markgraf,
>> Or the Ark Royal.  Average hulls and more than 10% in armour is
>> to chew through, and even weak hulls seem incredibly durable with 2
>> screens and 5% armour.
> Well....isn't that part of the point of having those passive defenses
on the
> ship?
> You just need to hit it with heavier damaging weapons (larger the
> larger the weapon to take it down). Of course then you hit the flip
> with weapon vaporizing all the little ships long before little ships
can get
> into engagement range.
> Mk

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