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Re: Fighters....Re: Full Thrust vs Starmada

From: Leszek Karlik <leslie@e...>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 19:24:00 +0200
Subject: Re: Fighters....Re: Full Thrust vs Starmada

On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 12:38:31PM -0400, Grant A. Ladue distributed
foul capitalist propaganda: 

>     Personally, I prefer to force a more "realistic" force
> structure.  I think it gives a better game.  The biggest "real
> world" objection to an all strike boat force is that most forces
> wouldn't be able to recruit enough suicidal fools to man such a
> fleet.

They're all unmanned AI controlled combat drones. :-> Besides, I guess
if you can get enough of suicidal fools for the fighter swarms, you
can get enough of suicidal fools for the strikeboat swarms. 

As for the fighter problem - since points are an artificial game
construct that has no relationship to reality whatsoever, then the
NPV/CPV of fighters should be determined using the total amount of
fighters in the entire fleet, using a sliding scale. Just like CPV, as
a matter of fact. 

Just make the CPV of fighters (sum of cost of all fighter
groups)^2/36, or something like that. I think that using an 
exponent of 2 is too large, so you'd have to tweak that, but the basic
idea is the same as behind the CPV, and it should actually _work_
without requiring cumbersome mechanics like the proposed new beta
fighter rules, which I used and didn't really like. 

>    grant
Sol-Earthsa Leszek Leslie Karlik dam Posen;	 leslie @ ideefixe . pl 
	      Drone, Offensive; Special Circumstances, Contact Section.
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