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RE: [FT] Troop transports

From: "Brendan Robertson" <southernskies@p...>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 23:19:34 +1100
Subject: RE: [FT] Troop transports

This has been revisited a few times.  The most notable was Feb2002
Search terms: "Mass vs Capacity"

I'm just trying to find it, but there was a post or two on volume vs
when working out capacity (mostly relating to Traveller based
construction -
which is excellent when working out appropriate deckplans).
Unfortunately, I can't find it even though I wrote it. :-(

'Neath Southern Skies 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robertson, Brendan [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 3 November 2004 12:13 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: FW: [FT] Troop transports
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Laserlight []
> > Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 11:39 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [FT] Troop transports
> > 
> > And MT says that a troop who is awake (ie, not a Marine-sicle) will
> > need four CS.  That means 5 guys per Mass, which means 1 man per 20
> > tons.  Even including life support and such, that seems like a lot.
> > Queen Elizabeth was 83,000 tons, and in her troop transport days she
> > could carry 15,000 troops (hot-bunking and stacked six high, but
> > still...).	Even assuming that her *entire* mass was devoted to
> > "troops capacity" (ie no hull, no engine) that's 5.5 tons per man.
> > Let's say instead that she had a Fragile hull, MD2 and FTL, and
> > everything else was barracks space-- that works out to 
> roughly 4 tons
> > a man.  Let's double that to account for life support and a little
> > more room for the lads.  That would make 8 tons per troop, 
> which means
> > about 12 of them would fit into a FT mass...which again works out to
> > 4CS per man x 12 men =~ 48CS per FT mass.
> > 
> > Coincidentally, MT suggested 50CS per Mass...even though FB 
> ships are
> > bigger than original FT ships, maybe it'd be as well to stay with 1
> > Mass = 50 CS.  Comment?

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