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[FT] Chronological Ships Re: [FT] New Israel Alpha Test Ship Designs

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 15:07:49 -0500
Subject: [FT] Chronological Ships Re: [FT] New Israel Alpha Test Ship Designs

>What about year introduced for the ships?  This is helpful for those of
who play using chronologically available ships where grasers aren't
>available, etc.

Which brings up a point that just occurred to me, does doing so help
balance? Does it help give battles a feeling of historical 'reality'? Do
you use all designs which would be available for FB1, or do you cut it
finer than that, though much older and newer ships are mainly alluded

I've never played with folks that followed that closely, but it would be
interesting to run a series of battles, not quite a campaign, but where
could plot introduction of new ships and the effects thereof.


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