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Re: [List] Cherished resources Re: (DS): Systems per Class

From: Hugh Fisher <laranzu@o...>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 20:10:15 +1000
Subject: Re: [List] Cherished resources Re: (DS): Systems per Class

>I'd rather say that they *did* seem 'real' to many gamers when they
>published - in the early 1990s. Nowadays however the TV news almost
>show combat action rivalling or surpassing what the DS2 and SG2 rules
>allow... and the TV news rarely show you the bleeding edge of things.
>not just me; more and more players are starting to compare the games to
>what they see in the real world and find the games less than

 I'm with Doug Evans, realism isn't what some of us want
 in these games. The recent discussion about StarGate is
 a perfect example: people like me don't care what a P90
 does in real life, we want to simulate what happens on
 the TV show.

 Ideally we'd have rules which extend all the way from
 "gritty realism" up to "space opera" at the choice of
 the players. Seems to be very difficult though.


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