Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc.
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 06:11:22 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc.
--- wrote:
> Actually a size 6 might be better because onto the
> 'base' 23 cap points
> you could add:
> PDS/SUP sub-total = 27
> APFC sub-total =28
> LAD total= 30 (or a GMS/L if
> you wanted to be
> really quirky.)
And along came a direct-fire size 3 weapon and blew it
to hell on a good chit draw.
I once did a scenario with a supertank escorted by
maybe a half dozen other vehicles against an ad hoc
militia force which was formed around an anti-tank
company (3 platoons of 6 tank destroyers each). It
was bloody and the militia lost about half their
vehicles, but the Bolo bit it. Ever since I've been
unimpressed by really big vehicles.
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