Re: [15mmSciFi] Matching Armies
From: Chen-song Qin <cqin@e...>
Date: Sun, 09 May 2004 13:58:34 -0600
Subject: Re: [15mmSciFi] Matching Armies
As I can't find anymore opponents right now, I'm actually
collecting/painting more than I'm playing. But I have different models
APCs for my 25 mm and 6 mm SF armies (I only have ancients in 15 mm).
For 6 mm:
I'm building a wheeled force based on modern GHQ's LAV and LAVIII
vehicles, with NSL infantry. Right now I've got a company+ sized task
with Strykers as APCs, LAV/AT's as anti-tank, old LAV command/logistic
carriers as mortars, kit-bashed Vulcan/Cougars as anti-air, and gun
Some of my "gun LAVs" are kitbashed GHQ wheeled minis with Renegade
turrets. I have a bunch of RL miniatures too, but haven't had time to
I have a bunch of old RAFM/GHQ lead minis of various models of M60s and
West German Jaguars (with no missiles), that I plan to use as an OPFOR's
tanks and APCs.
For 25 mm:
I've got NSL 25 mm infantry, but DLD's excellent resin 25 mm wheeled
Unfortunately I haven't had time to paint either.
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> On Sat, 08 May 2004 19:50:38 -0000 "Daniel" <>
> writes:
> > 58a915c568e8e88c898cacc5a10da1
> >
> >I was just curious, for those who play more then one scale, do you
> >try and have your armies match or do you treat each army as it's own
> >thing.
> >
> >For example, I know one person who used GW Rhinos as his main APC in
> >both 6mm (Dirtside/Epic) and in his 25/28mm (Stargrunt/WH40K) Armies.
> >
> >On the other hand, I have bought one company's APCs for my 15mm
> >troops and another for my 6mm army.
> >
> >Just curious.
> >
> >dafrca