Re: [15mmSciFi] Matching Armies
From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Sun, 9 May 2004 07:58:31 -0500
Subject: Re: [15mmSciFi] Matching Armies
On Sat, 08 May 2004 19:50:38 -0000 "Daniel" <>
> 58a915c568e8e88c898cacc5a10da1
>I was just curious, for those who play more then one scale, do you
>try and have your armies match or do you treat each army as it's own
>For example, I know one person who used GW Rhinos as his main APC in
>both 6mm (Dirtside/Epic) and in his 25/28mm (Stargrunt/WH40K) Armies.
>On the other hand, I have bought one company's APCs for my 15mm
>troops and another for my 6mm army.
>Just curious.
28 mm Sci Fi (Stargrunt 2) {legacy} :
Blarad (aliens) with Rauwoof (Aliens) and Whistler (aliens) Mercs (Stan
Johansen figures) - partial Platoon at 10 + 25 + 10 figures Building
SLOWLY and Very low priority
25 mm Sci Fi (Stargrunt 2) {legacy} :
NPC : (In mail) GZG New Israelis - new platoon building (partial at
26 figures) - will stop at one Platoon.
IC: saving money to buy GZG - will stop at one Platoon.
UNSC: 8 figures (GZG) (may or may not continue, else (more likely) will
convert to someone's PA or Robotic force or sell or trade)
Misc. Individual Mercs: 7 Figures ('specialists' )
15 mm Sci Fi (Stargrunt 2):
IC using OOP figures (50 figures) - would like to see 6 mm GZG figures
NPC using OOP figures (54 figures) - OOP may be replaced with GZG NI
LLAR using OOP for lights and Alternative Armies for PA (32 +36) **
PHR using OOP figures (29 figures) ***
NEA using OOP figures (29 figures) *
RH using OOP figures (50 figures)
Mech Warriors (30 figures)
* replacements sought eventually
** replacement lights sought eventually
*** replaced OOP will go here
6 mm Sci Fi (Dirtside):
IC, NPC, LLAR, PHR, NEA, RH - currently a mix of GZG, H&R WW 1, and
'others' mounted as FTs on 'bingo chips' with Brigade
Models/GZG/Irregualr/'Moderns' for vehicles.
I am attempting to get the 15 mm and 6 mm rationalized and am thinking
buying GZG NI for 15 mm for the NPC.
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