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Re: this is a first...

From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 13:26:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: this is a first...

--- Doug Evans <> wrote:
> >Getting?  It went there as soon as the stupid dog
> got
> >mentioned.
> That's a daggit, dag nab bit...

Dag, dog, daggit, rabbit, this thread is getting to be
a habit.

> >Having just got the Firefly DVD set and watched
> some of the extras,
> >Zoe (Gina Torres) springs obviously to mind in this
> context....  ;-)
> Of previous show which I shall not dignify
> mentioning by name, 


she was the
> most interesting. As for Firefly, twas not my
> favorite show of what could
> have been, but US TV has kept far worse for years. I
> look forward to
> chuckling over the scenes you're mentioning.

I liked it, enjoyed the old west/Sci Fi flavor....

"In life, you must try and be the type of person that your dog thinks
you are."

- Anonymous

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