Re: (SG) SaVasku bioconstructs
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 12:49:34 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Re: (SG) SaVasku bioconstructs
Lachlan Atcliffe <> írta:
> >
> (Excuse me, lurking newbie dropping in briefly)
> You know, an on-table drone womb could be one heck of an
> objective...equivalent to a human airbase and heavy industrial plant
> in one!
> I don't know if it would be wise to actually let it grow any drones in
> game-time, though....
> - Lachlan Atcliffe
Well, considering how fast they can grow drone-fighters, I assume they
can do some units in game time.
I pretty much assume they can do whole squads of smaller warriors -
about human sized, might be even manage to get one or two of the
bigger ones as well. If it has enough resources, it could create a whole
army while playing, considering it doesn't catch some big nasty
damaging projectile.
Akos Büky