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Re: [SG2] Not OT at all! CNN "Urban Combat" Graphics

From: Eric Brown <squirmydad@y...>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 15:10:12 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG2] Not OT at all! CNN "Urban Combat" Graphics

I use 1/4" foamcore for all of my buildings and I've
never had warping troubles. Applying paint can warp
some materials from absorbing the moisture. There are
two remedies to this; One is to paint the side of the
material that you don't care about first so that it
warps one way, then paint the side you do want so it
warps back to about straight. No really, it works.
Another method is to seal the material before you
paint with a spray matte. This works even better but
can melt the internal foam in the foamcore due to the
acetone used in most spray product.

--- Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> I set up the VCR to tape something I saw yesterday
> on CNN. They had a computer
> graphic video of their interpretation of urban
> combat. It showed tanks hidden
> in trees, soldiers in buildings, etc. 
> The reason I taped it is that it gave me some great
> ideas for SG2 buildings!
> The majority of the buildings they showed in the
> graphics were nothing more
> than blocks, but there was one neat looking
> "apartment building" complete with
> balconies, and another that was simply a
> three-storey box with a smaller
> two-storey box on top. It showed how simple but
> effective buildings could be
> created for urban scenarios.
> Question for those of you who have built wargame
> buildings: what do you use
> for building material? I was thinking thick card or
> foam board. Foam board has
> a bad tendency to warp, and so I'm not sure it would
> be the best stuff. Thick
> card stock has this tendency to, but you can
> reinforce it more easily as the
> warping isn't usually that extensive. Just wondering
> what y'all use to build
> your buildings.
> Allan Goodall 		
> "The only normal people are the ones you don't know 
> well!" - Joe Ancis

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