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Re: [SG2] Not OT at all! CNN "Urban Combat" Graphics

From: glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 15:04:37 PST
Subject: Re: [SG2] Not OT at all! CNN "Urban Combat" Graphics

I use Irregular for DS 2  And Germy has some great buildings in 6 mm and
25 mm downloads (free.)


On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 15:39:50 -0600 Allan Goodall
>I set up the VCR to tape something I saw yesterday on CNN. They had a 
>graphic video of their interpretation of urban combat. It showed tanks 
>in trees, soldiers in buildings, etc. 
>The reason I taped it is that it gave me some great ideas for SG2 
>The majority of the buildings they showed in the graphics were nothing 
>than blocks, but there was one neat looking "apartment building" 
>complete with
>balconies, and another that was simply a three-storey box with a 
>two-storey box on top. It showed how simple but effective buildings 
>could be
>created for urban scenarios.
>Question for those of you who have built wargame buildings: what do 
>you use
>for building material? I was thinking thick card or foam board. Foam 
>board has
>a bad tendency to warp, and so I'm not sure it would be the best 
>stuff. Thick
>card stock has this tendency to, but you can reinforce it more easily 
>as the
>warping isn't usually that extensive. Just wondering what y'all use to 
>your buildings.
>Allan Goodall
>"The only normal people are the ones you don't know 
>well!" - Joe Ancis

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