Germy's work
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 14:54:36 -0500
Subject: Germy's work
1. I'd like to take a moment to say thanks for
the work. Not for myself, I'm one of these "if it
isn't resin or plaster...." purists. But for
everyone it *does* help. You see, to me, the
thing about wargaming is that we want to get
more people involved. Many of those have
limited budgets and can't afford huge armies
and spending $5-25 on a building would be
insane. So by providing cheap printable terrain,
you suddenly open up the hobby to a whole
pile of new people - it makes the "buy in" price
a lot cheaper. And *that* is good for the
2. Have you thought about talking to Tony, Jon,
or David about getting your buildings printed
up on cardstock and sold (for a cheap price,
small markup for them) through the normal
distribution channels for figs etc? It'd get them
into catalogs. I don't mean this as a money
making scheme, but it might be good for them
and for the hobby to have cheap terrain offered
by the mini manufacturers. And people could
then stop complaining they can't print them..
*grin*. This approach might be worth
investigating. Especially since I think the images
could be scalable (or some more could be
made) to cover all scales from 6mm through
3. I saw some of your tanks after Indy had
painted them. I was ambivalent when I saw
them in baremetal, but I've changed my mind.
I'm not a big fan of "bugs" (read: icky alien
things) but I plan to (when funds allow) get a
hand on some of your 1/300th bug vehicles as
they are nice looking when painted. So kudos
here too.
We wargamers don't often speak up, but there
are a lot of folks who like your work and a lot
more that could benefit in future from cheap
terrain they can actually afford to buy. And
having more players is good for the hobby.
Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst