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Re: Alan's Satellite Facts

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@w...>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 13:02:21 +1100
Subject: Re: Alan's Satellite Facts

From: "Thomas Barclay" <>

> PS - Triple redundancy is good, if implemented 
> correctly. I recall hearing about redundant 
> hydraulic control lines on some planes where all 
> three sets route through the same area of the 
> plane at one point (and guess what happens 
> when that area of the plane is damaged?). 

..and such a mistake is really easy to make.
One way of avoiding it is to come up with "threat
scenarios". In the case above "what happens if
*this* area gets damaged?". But even there, there
are pitfalls.

An interesting Operational Research analysis of
planes downed in WW2 led to a dramatic re-distribution
of armour.
At first, seeing so many planes coming home with
damage to area X, they beefed up the protection there.
But this didn't help, because:
a) Planes hit in area X usually got home safely, even
if damaged.
b) Planes hit even slightly in area Y were lost without
Eventually though, they saw the light, actually took
armour off area X and put it on Y, and losses
dropped markedly.

> Good to see someone that understands 
> distributed systems and the dangers of 
> homogeneity (one method of doing things used 
> all over becomes a real nasty situation if that 
> one method has a flaw.... reference: MS IE, MS 
> OSs, etc). 

Actually, homogeneity is something I use a lot:
get something working, and then re-use it everywhere.
The idea is that any error will quickly be found
in testing, it will be totally obvious. Too much
heterogeneity means there are just so many different
things to test that you don't get good test coverage.
Do something unusual, and you're in uncharted ( i.e.
untested) territory.

Of course, you then add the redundancy. e.g. on FedSat
we can get stored telemetry data off the satellite by:
a) (Preferred Method) DMA access of message blocks
b) (Backup when transmission is spotty) Individual 
extraction from telemetry data stores of individual 
(these 2 are the usual methods)
c) (Tertiary #1) Generalised Data Dump of a section of
memory, using the diagnostics routines. Needs to be
done 3 times for triplicated memory.
d) (Tertiary #2) Hardware access to individual bytes,
bypassing the software. Slow. Difficult.
e) (Tertiary #3) Re-map the telemetry stores as large
data transfer stores, then use the large data transfer
service code. This can be done by just poking in 3 
values in a table, using the diagnostics - though you'd
temporarily lose the use of the LDT Store you're misusing.
Needs to be done 3 times too.
f) (Tertiary #4) Upload a new program, depending on the

Essentially, make things homogenous: then have every
part capable of doing 2-3 different jobs at a pinch.
That way you get good test coverage, and alternate
ways of doing things in case of anomaly.

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