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Re: [SG] Maisto Vehicles

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 17:45:57 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG] Maisto Vehicles

You have to remove the tires then prime, they are made of
rubber and any type of aerosol or most model type paints
well NEVER dry. Makes a chemical reaction.

My advice is to remove them and wipe that stuff off manually
and paint the rest of the vehicle per normal then weather tires 
with acrylics latter.


As has been mentioned recently, WalMart has Maisto vehicles under the
name Kid Connection, available at about $1.75-2.00 each.  The LAVs are
about right for a 15mm MICV/light tank; they also has some things
which looked like a short (length, not height) Hummer, which I think
might be okay for 25mm, plus some trucks and other vehicles.  Right
next to them were aircraft (including several attack helo's) by the
same company.

However...I primed the LAVs last night, and the primer still hasn't
dried on the wheels.  Therefore if you're planning to prime and paint
on the same weekend, I suggest that you mask the wheels before you
get started--unless you *like* getting sticky primer on your hands, of

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