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Re: 2nd and 3rd rate powers

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 20:30:18 +0200
Subject: Re: 2nd and 3rd rate powers

Sorry to stir up an old thread:

John Atkinson wrote:

> >>1: IC - I'd call them 3rd rate or maybe even 4th. I don't picture
> >>them as an armed force to write home and brag about.
> >
> >Maybe not in 2183, but back in the 2050s they must've been pretty
damn hot
> >to conquer the Thais and Vietnamese... and being able to impose any
kind of
> >control on the various Burmese fractions isn't a small feat either
>No, they just have to be hotter than the Thais and Vietnamese.

<chuckle> In other words, you're agreeing that the IC must've been
than France, PRC and the US - after all, none of them were hot enough to

conquer Vietnam ;-)

As for Thailand, they're (currently and AFAIK traditionally as well) the

most competent military force in SE Asia... and AFAIK the only SE Asian 
nation which was not conquered/colonized by any European nation :-/



"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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