Re: [DS] Some questions from this weekend
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 16:55:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [DS] Some questions from this weekend
On 21-Jul-02 at 16:46, John Atkinson ( wrote:
> Maybe we could even get back to the historical
> standard of 60lb fighting load for the infantryman.
Ran into a 50+ year old gentlemen who was getting a late
start on the Appalachian Trail. He had all new gear,
every nifty thing he could think of, and was carrying
75 lbs on his back. After all, when he was younger and
in the army he did it...
FYI, my max weight is 35lbs including 4 liters of water,
the water filter and food for a week. It can be more
if there is little running water. Of course toys from
Mattel would bump this very quickly, as would body
You should have heard my ex-girlfriends shock when they
left water in BHD, but then she hikes and has suffered