Re: Re: Fighters options please
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 19:02:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Re: Fighters options please
On 9-May-02 at 18:06, Brian Burger ( wrote:
> On Thu, 9 May 2002, Brian Bilderback wrote:
> > laserlight
> >
> > >Afterthought--if you chose "X CEF/attack" correctly, it would also
> > >explain why SDNs and such have those fighters--that way the
> > >can get carried in close enough to be able to make 2-3 attacks
> > >of 1.
> >
> > That thought had occurred to me too.
> The more I think about this "x CEF per anti-shipping attack" idea, the
> more I like it. It leaves the bulk of the rules intact, changing only
> aspect of fighter operations, and those who don't like it will also
> it easy to ignore... It even gives those SDN/BDN squadrons a reason to
> exist!
It doesn't do that. A single squadron will have less offensive
ability than it does now. A single squadron may be better relative
to the mass, but that's just because the mass has lost more.
With this rule change you are much better off discarding
the fighters for 9 PDSes.
NB, I am not against this change, just against the hand waving
claiming a single squadron is better when in fact the single
squadron is worth less than it is currently.