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Re: Librarians

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 11:08:09 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Re: Librarians

Alan and Carmel Brain schrieb:
> From: "John Crimmins" <>
> > (Today's Gem:
> > PARENT: My child has to do a report on a famous 
> African-American, and her teacher it is: Marie
> Oh My Sainted Aunt.

For a moment I thought they might have referred to Mariah Carey. But
she isn't Afro-American either.

> > Get up, time to go.  Hey, look!  A bag full of white 
> powder.  Great, time to call the cops...."
> >
> > (It happened.  As soon as they heard "white powder" 911 
> > connected me to the fire department, but it turned out to be a bag
full of 
> > drugs, just as I'd suspected.  Coke or heroin; I don't know
> ...and that's another of the scariest things. You mean 
> the drugs-in-schools bit in the US isn't just media hype or confined
to s very 
> small percentage? 

It happens in Germany, too :-(

And on a more positive note:

Popular poster in German libraries:
"Bibliotheken sind gefährliche Brutstätten des Geistes"
"Libraries are dangerous breeding-places for independent minds"
(19th-century censor's statement)

And an Australian bumper sticker (ca.1980)
"If you can read this, thank you primary school teacher"


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