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RE: DS2: Design questions of my own.

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 14:01:08 -0800
Subject: RE: DS2: Design questions of my own.

B Lin Wrote:

>Actually the better number is 25%
>Chance of absolute kill is increased from 50% to 75%, an increase of

Actually, the % increase is based on the number it's increased from 
the way you calculate increases.  75% is 25 greater than 50%.  25 is 50%
50, so the increase is 50%.

>Saying that it is an increase of 50% in chance to kill is a little 

I never realized that accepted standard methods of calculating increases

>An obvious example would be an increased kill probability from 1% to
>the increase is 500% by your accounting, but in game terms, the
increase is 
>only 4%.

Not just by my accounting, 4 IS a 400% increase over 1 - whether we're 
talking about 1$, 1%, 1 egg, 1 Narn....

>Conversely a weapons system that already has a 75% kill rate compared
>one that has 100% kill rate - according to your usage, the 100% weapon 
>would ONLY have an increase of 33%.

Which is the correct usage.  Especially since we're comparing
killability to 
capacity.  If the capacity of an MDC 5 is 25% greater than an MDC 4 (15
25% more than 12, 10 is 25% more than 8), we have to use the same
formula on 
the kill % increase.

Let's do it this way: (I may not be up in the technical ken of the rest
the group, but I do remember my basic algebra)	Let's go with the 50%
75% kill chances, and the 12 capacity for a turreted MDC 4.  How many 
capacity would the MDC 5 be if it's Capacity-to-kill ratio was the SAME
the MDC 4?  Lets see....





So an MDC 5, to cost as much in capacity in relationship to it's kill
as the MDC 4, would need to take up 18 capacity.  But it takes up only

I'd call that a bargain - the best I ever had.

Brian B2

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