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RE: SG2 Scale Survey

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 11:07:23 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: SG2 Scale Survey

--- "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)"
<> wrote:
> 15mm
> I would probably play 6mm, but I could not figure
> out how to base an
> infantryman so that they stand up.
> For DS2 I place 3 on a penny.

Find some place that does foreign currency (or get our
List-German to send you) German 1 pfenning coins. 
They work great--a little big, but since this ain't
Napoleonics, you shouldn't have to bunch your guys up
to the point that this matters.  Figure about half the
size of a US or Canadian cent.

After all, now that they've gone to the Euro, they
have to do _something_ with those things.[1]


[1]Other than pfenning checks, but that's a GI thing anyway.

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