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[OT] [Completely, absolutely without redeeming social value] Inflammatory?

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 07:50:42 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [OT] [Completely, absolutely without redeeming social value] Inflammatory?

--- Tony Christney <> wrote:
> Please, this is an obvious troll. A very
> inflammatory position
> with no backing evidence. Can we try to be a bit
> more rational
> here?

An inflammatory position (what, that Jews don't
deserve to be rendered down into air pollution?) with
no backing evidence (I guess all those UN General
Assembly resolutions are just imaginary?)!  

The fact that the UN General Assembly has been
uniformly anti-Semetic since it's creation is neither
inflammatory nor without evidence.  A suggestion that
you are a drooling idiot with bad table manners would
be inflammatory and without evidence (since I've never
met you, I have no data one way or the other on your
table manners nor propensity to drool).  See the
difference?  One is an assertation that can be
verified by a half-second of research on the subject. 
The other I have no basis for.	One suggests that
perhaps genocide is unwarranted, the other is
personally insulting to both you and your parents
(implying they didn't raise you right).  Are we clear


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