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Re: [OT] Voting schemes

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 07:55:32 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OT] Voting schemes

--- Laserlight <> wrote:

> > > > "But you'd have to send the money to vote"
> > >
> > >IIRC, in the real world there are some countries
> whose payments to
> the UN
> > >are chronically late.
> And if the voting were "by funding received", that
> might change, don't
> you think?

How much are we rating the contribution by equipment
and manpower?  For instance, if a UN force tries to
engage in peacekeeping operations and gets ignored,
taken hostage, shot up, and generally falls on it's
face, then a large nation comes in and picks up the
mission entirely (with token contributions from some
of it's client states--gradually switching over to
more and more of it's client states as the situation
becomes more stable) does that count, and if so how
much?  Because right now, no matter how much you
contribute to doing the UN's job, it doesn't reflect
in the dues.

Also, can you deduct from the value of debt the value
of parking tickets owed to the host nation of the UN
headquarters by the assorted diplomats that work at
the UN?


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