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Re: Ship Designs for Review

From: "Z. Lakel" <zlakel@t...>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 13:23:30 -0500
Subject: Re: Ship Designs for Review

From: "John Atkinson" <>:
> Real light on the PDSs.  Maybe the cloak makes up for
> that (I havn't played with cloaks enough to decide)
> but against a carrier group or a missle-heavy task
> force, you could be in trouble.
> Also, on the escort cruiser I'd suggest having two
> ADFCs.

The reason the ships have sparing point defence is that so long as they
in formation and since all but two or 3 of them have ADFC, they should
able to support each other.  I did want to put more on but the mass of
cloak forbade it (mass 20 for the dreadnaught).  If i was to remove the
cloak, I definatly would up PDS the fleet.  The only problem w/ my
support idea as i see it is that the ships muct stay rather close
which limits their tacticle options.

Point taken for the excort criser.

Zachariah Lakel

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